What Makes for a Happy Cat?
Do you love your kitty? Are you worried your cat isn’t as happy as it could be?
Don’t worry — cats are notoriously difficult to read. But, there are plenty of steps you can take to make sure that your cat is the happiest cat it can be. Here’s how to figure out if your cat is happy, and what you can do to make your cat a happy cat if it isn’t!
Visible Signs That Your Cat Is Happy
There are a few signs you can use to check your cat’s mood. Let’s go through a few of them now:
- Vocal signs, like happy cat noises
- Posture
- Sleeping in public areas
- Appearance
To go through these in a more in-depth fashion, it’s pretty easy to break them down. If your cat is stressed or angry, it probably won’t be sleeping in a social situation. If your cat is feeling physically ill, there are signs you can use to tell.
On the other hand, if your cat is making happy noises all day, then your cat is probably a pretty happy purr-son.
How Do You Make Your Cat Happier?
There are tons of different ways you can improve your cat’s happiness. Some of these things may be trial and error, to see what works, but as long as you keep trying you’ll have a happier cat in no time flat.
One thing you can try is to get CBD oil that’s safe for your cat. Full-spectrum CBD oil can help your cat make happy cat sounds all day long.
Full-spectrum CBD oil means that while the CBD oil does contain some THC, it’s far less than the federal guideline of 0.3%. That means that it’s perfectly healthy and safe for your pretty kitty!
You just need to make sure that you’re choosing the right dose of CBD oil for your animal and consult with your vet before you begin giving your cat CBD oil. CBD oil is a quick and easy way to improve your cat’s mood!

Toys, Sunshine, and More
CBD oil isn’t the only method you can try for making sure that your cat is the happiest cat possible. Another thing you can do to make your cat happier is to get your cat things to scratch and furniture to hang out in, like cat condos.
Cats like to climb, so having plenty of high places for your cat to explore will keep them happier and healthier. Try and make sure these places have access to the sun, too, so that your cat can bask in the warm light and enjoy their life of luxury.
You should also make sure you spend plenty of quality time with your cat. If your cat has a playful personality, make sure you spend plenty of time playing with your cat and have plenty of toys on hand.
Check Your Cat's Routine
This may be obvious, but you should make sure that you’re following the proper protocols for taking care of your cat. Make sure that you have enough litter boxes and that the litter boxes are being cleaned regularly.
If there’s nothing you’re missing from your cat’s routine, you may simply need to change some things up. Any routine can get stale after a while, and that’s true for both humans and cats.
If your cat doesn’t enjoy their food, try switching it up — but consult with your vet first, of course. There are simple changes to your cat’s routine that may improve their mood and make them happier, so pay attention to what your cat likes and doesn’t like!
Does Your Cat Need A Friend?
If you think your cat may be lonely, and your cat has a personality that can tolerate others, consider adopting another cat so your cat can have a playmate!
If possible, you’ll want to make sure that your current cat and the new cat have compatible personalities, and you’ll want to introduce them slowly to one another and follow other protocols for making sure your cats get along.
Indoor Vs Outdoor Cats
Some cats are happier being indoors, and some cats are happier being outdoors. If you’re in a big city, letting your cat be an outdoor cat is probably a risk you shouldn’t take. There are too many dangers, such as heavy traffic, to let your cat out unsupervised.
However, there are some ways you can safely take your cat outside if you live in a city. You may want to consider taking your cat for a walk, using a harness leash, if you think your cat would enjoy exploring the great outdoors.
However, if you live in the country, you may be able to experiment with letting your cat outdoors. Make sure you try your cat out in your backyard first, while you supervise — your cat may not enjoy being outside, no matter where you live! Letting your cat have some more time in the sun is a great way to keep your cat happy.

Happy Cat, Happy Life
As you can see, it’s not as difficult as you think to make sure that your cat is a happy cat. Just experiment with some of these different ways of making your cat happier, as different cats have different personalities. You’ll definitely find the best way to keep your cat happy in no time flat!
Are you interested in trying out CBD oil for your cat? Are you looking for more information before you make your decision? Contact us today!