What Can I Give My Dog for Fireworks Anxiety?
Does your dog jump up and run around when fireworks go off? Do they cower in fear at the sound or look for a place to hide? Fireworks can cause dogs to suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, and worse.
While humans celebrate a special occasion, like the 4th of July or New Year’s Eve, with a spectacular display of fireworks, pets are left trembling in fright. They don’t understand the flashing lights and loud noises. As a pet owner, you need to help your dog feel safe during these times.
If you’re wondering, “What can I give my dog for fireworks anxiety?”, then you’ve come to the right place. Below, you can learn how to ease your dog’s fears and how to create a comforting atmosphere for them.
How Dangerous Is Firework Fear?
As a human, you can separate the sound of a firework from a legitimate threat. It may startle you, but you can quickly identify it and understand it won’t hurt you. But dogs don’t have the mental capacity to differentiate a firework from any other loud threatening sound.
On top of that, dogs have more sensitive hearing than people. Their ears amplify sound, and they can hear more than four times farther away than humans. Even if a firework sounds far away to you, it will seem much closer and much louder to a dog.
The sudden explosion of a firework can be so loud that it triggers a dog’s fight-or-flight response. Just like in humans, this reaction can increase the heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate within a dog. It can take up to a full hour for a dog’s adrenaline levels to return to normal.
Since there is no actual threat from a firework, some dogs may react to the loud noise by running away. If your dog is outside when a firework goes off, it may bolt and do everything in its power to escape. It’s common for dogs to go missing after firework shows, dashing away to hide in hard-to-reach places.
Because there is no way to stop fireworks from happening, the stress can compound within your dog. With each firework, they can grow tenser. This can cause their bodies to stay on high alert for long after the last firework lights up the sky.
What Can I Give My Dog for Fireworks Anxiety?
You can ease your dog’s fear of fireworks in a number of ways. One method rising in popularity is the use of anti-anxiety drugs.
If your dog struggles with anxiety, a veterinarian may prescribe an anti-anxiety drug for them to take regularly. But there are milder alternatives that may be more suitable for the short term, like treating fireworks anxiety a few times a year.
For example, melatonin is a natural hormone that can help ease your dog’s anxiety by making them sleepy. CBD products are also an option. Many pet owners have begun administering CBD oil drops or CBD dog treats to help calm their dogs.
If you’re unfamiliar with CBD oil, it is an extract from the hemp plant. The hemp plant is comprised of more than 400 chemical compounds, which can interact with the chemistry of the brain and body. The effects of these interactions can lead to a variety of therapeutic benefits.
One of these benefits is anxiety relief. It can be an effective, fast-acting way to help your dog overcome firework anxiety. All it takes is a few drops of oil on the tongue, and the effects will start to sink in.
The size and weight of your dog will affect the dosage you should give them. You can use this CBD dosage chart to get an idea of what dosage may be right for your dog. It’s recommended to start with a low dosage and work your way up as needed.
How Else Can I Comfort My Dog?
While administering CBD to your dog can ease anxiety, it won’t eliminate it. It’s best to take a multistep approach to make sure your pet feels safe and protected. You can do this by creating a comforting atmosphere around them.
Since the 4th of July and New Year’s Eve happen the same time every year, you should have plenty of time to plan ahead. To start, a sleepy puppy may not have as strong a reaction to fireworks. You can schedule a day designed to tucker them out by the times the fireworks begin.
For example, you can take your dog to the park in the daytime, plan your meals a bit earlier than normal, and bring them outside to go to the bathroom ahead of nightfall. If they still have energy, give them a toy or bone to keep them occupied right before the fireworks.
You should also think about the indoor environment. Many dogs feel safer in small, dark places. Try hanging a blanket over the windows to muffle the sound and keep out the flashing lights from fireworks.
If your dog is very attached to you, stay in the same room as them during the show. Reassure them by petting them gently and talking to them, but don’t force them to stay with you if they would rather hide. Your comforting presence can help them feel safe and secure.
At the end of the day, you know your dog best. Use that knowledge to create the perfect comforting atmosphere for them.
Ask a Vet for Professional Advice
Before taking any medical, health, or behavioral action with your dog, consult a veterinarian or certified professional. Simply ask them, “What can I give my dog for fireworks anxiety?” By doing so, you can open up a dialogue to determine the method that will work best for your dog.
You can learn more about the benefits of CBD for dogs here. Beyond anxiety relief, CBD has a variety of health benefits that can improve your dog’s quality of life. If you think CBD sounds right for your dog, ask your veterinarian for advice before taking action.