What Are the Telltale Signs of Arthritis in Dogs and Cats?

Your pet is a cherished member of the family, and there’s nothing worse than watching them suffer from arthritis pain. You may have noticed a change in their behavior, but you’re unsure if they’re suffering from arthritis or something else.

While it’s always best to consult a veterinarian, there are telltale signs of arthritis in dogs and cats that help you understand what they’re suffering from.

You may be hesitant to put them on prescription medication, due to known side-effects. If this is the case, then successful, alternative medications such as CBD oil have had great success without the side-effects. 

If you’re reading this, chances are your beloved four-legged friend is exhibiting one or more symptoms. Keep reading to discover a comprehensive list of arthritis symptoms in dogs and cats, so you can act fast. 

Signs of Arthritis in Dogs

First, it’s important to understand that arthritis is common in dogs, affecting at least 20% of all canines. It’s devastating to watch your beloved pet struggle with daily activities.

This is because of the inflammation in your pet’s joints. The pain and stiffness make it difficult for your dog to enjoy activities they once loved.

Sadly, your dog’s joint cartilage may be deteriorating, causing their bones to rub up against one another without any type of cushion. This causes all types of pain and leads to a decline in your pet’s quality of life.

If your pet is limping, has stiffness in the joints, or is slower when getting up and seems disinterested in walks, then it’s a good possibility they have arthritis. It’s important to always have a veterinarian diagnose any suspected health issues you think they may be suffering from.

Once your dog has a proper diagnosis, it’s important to take preventive measures to stop your four-legged friend’s condition from becoming more serious. Since dogs who have arthritis pain and less active, they are more likely to become obese. This can cause other more serious health issues.

Your dog may also experience limping or lameness as a result of arthritis in their body.

Other Signs to Look Out For

Limping and lameness are just a few of the tell-tale signs that your dog has arthritis.

You may notice a change in their mood. If they’re in pain, their overall disposition may change. It’s important to keep track of any mood changes and symptoms to help your vet better understand your dog’s condition. 

If you notice your dog licking a certain area of their body to the point where the hair is sparse, they may have arthritis. Dogs and cats tend to lick painful areas and joints. 

Unfortunately, Fido may not be the only member of your fur-family struggling with arthritis pain. Cats are also affected, in similar ways.

Signs of Arthritis in Cats

Just as in dogs, cats with arthritis may be hesitant to get up and play, especially if they are experiencing joint stiffness. They may also be after by swelling in the joints which can cause lameness and less flexibility.

Your once playful cat may suddenly be lethargic and reluctant to move.

Since the pain that comes with arthritis may cause your cat pain and discomfort, you may notice less to clean up in the litter box. They may be hesitant to get up to go to the bathroom.

You may also notice your cat shows little interest in running, playing, or climbing things like the stairs. This may also be accompanied by a general lack of interest in daily activities.

Since their joints are slowly deteriorating due to age, your precious cat may be experiencing a lot of pain.

You may also notice your cat limping. They may be favoring the leg with arthritis. Keep an eye on when your cat first gets up after laying down.

You may notice that the limp seems a lot worse. It may lessen after they move around a little bit.

Many times arthritis is often associated with the legs and joints. However, it can affect your cat’s spine as well. They may experience a sore neck, causing them to walk with a hunch in their back.

Spinal Issues in Cats

Spinal issues can also be a cause of lameness.

It’s also not uncommon for cats with arthritis to be more tired than usual. They may sleep more than you’re used to, so be on the lookout for this symptom.

When your cat is awake, you may notice them being irritable. If you already have a cranky cat this may not be easy for you to spot, but it’s important to pay close attention to their moods.

If you go to pet them and they snap or bite more than usual, this may be an indication of pain from arthritis.

Sadly, arthritis can cause your cat’s muscles to atrophy. This is due in part to muscle inactivity. Keep a watchful eye for one leg having a thinner appearance than the other legs.

One other sign associated with arthritis in cats is when they lick, chew, or bite themselves. Cats do this when an area of their body is painful for them. Sadly, this may even cause them to rip their hair out or have inflamed skin in the area.

Managing Your Pet's Arthritis

These signs of arthritis in dogs and cats should help you better understand what’s affected your beloved pet. If you suspect your pet is suffering from arthritis, it’s best to have a vet confirm your suspicion.

No matter what, you want to see your four-legged friends live a happy, healthy, pain-free life. If you’re hesitant to give your pet prescription medication for fear of harsh side-effects, then CBD oil is a perfect solution. 

It’s been shown to greatly help humans and animals manage arthritis pain, getting back to their normal quality of life. CBD oil is a safe alternative to help your pet combat their arthritis pain.

Contact us today to explore the many benefits of CBD oil for arthritis and to discuss which type of CBD oil is best for your family pet. Don’t let them suffer from the pain and discomfort of arthritis. Let us help your pet put their best paw forward. 

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