The Benefits of CBD for Cats With Anxiety

Do cats feel anxiety the way that we do? According to the ASPCA, the answer is yes.

Whether you’ve experienced a recent shift in your daily routine, moved to a new location, or adopted a second pet, your feline friend may be exhibiting signs of anxiety. These tend to include over-grooming, spraying, and changes in appetite. 

So, how do we ease these anxious feelings and symptoms? 

Read on to learn more about how CBD for cats can help reduce your cat’s anxiety and how to provide the proper dosage!

What Is CBD for Cats?

CBD is short for cannabidiol. It is a chemical compound derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant. 

We know what you’re thinking. Cannabis Sativa? Doesn’t that stuff get you high?

What you’re thinking of is THC, a cousin of CBD that produces psychoactive effects. CBD, on the other hand, is non-psychoactive, which means there is no “high” feeling!

Full-spectrum CBD for cats does contain trace amounts–no more than 0.3%–of THC, but still not enough to create that “high” feeling. Instead, this combination creates what is known as the entourage effect in which the CBD is more effective than it would be on its own. 

Full-spectrum CBD creates feelings of calmness and relaxation. Cats have the same Endocannabinoid System (or ECS) as humans, which means that CBD will help them the same way it helps us!

Can I Use My CBD for My Cat?

People often ask us if it’s okay for them to give their cats the same CBD that they use for themselves. We tend to say no because CBD designed for humans may have base oils and additives that aren’t good for our furry friends.

Cat CBD won’t have added flavors (like mint, which we often see in CBD for people). It should have a base oil like coconut oil, providing the added benefit of being an anti-fungal. Cat CBD should also be third-party tested to ensure that there are no chemicals, solvents, heavy metals or pesticides floating around in there!

How CBD Can Help

Now that we’ve talked about what CBD is, let’s talk about how it can help to ease the symptoms of anxiety your cat may be feeling!

Increase Serotonin Activity

Early studies have found that CBD can increase serotonin activity in a manner that is similar to antidepressant and anti-anxiety medication. Basically, after taking CBD on a regular basis, serotonin levels increase in the prefrontal cortex. Why is this a good thing?

Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that helps us regulate our mood and maintain steady energy levels. The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that takes the reigns when it comes to depressive and anxious feelings. 

When you increase your cat’s serotonin activity, you’ll notice an awesome change in mood and energy. They may stop over-grooming, stop yowling and crying when you leave the room, and regain appetite. They’ll also have more energy during the day to romp and get all of their willies out–which means they’ll sleep like a rock when it’s time for cat naps!

Boost Brain Cell Production

Studies have found that with new brain cell production comes the silencing of old brain cells. Apparently, these new kids on the block are more relaxed than their predecessors!

CBD may boost brain cell production, increasing this turnover rate and helping your cat replenish their good mood. In fact, CBD may specifically target brain cell production in the hippocampus. We know that the hippocampus is responsible for memory retention but it seems to have ties to our mood regulation, as well!

That means that while CBD is creating good vibes in the prefrontal cortex, it’s also starting a neurogenesis party in the hippocampus. This creates the recipe for a seriously happy, chilled out brain!

Finding the Right Dosage of CBD for Cats

First thing’s first: get your cat on a scale! To figure out how much CBD you should give your cat, you need to know how much they weigh. If you’re worried about other medications or health risks, consult your vet while deciding on the correct dosage.

Now, let’s take a look at some of the factors that go into dosing your cat with CBD!

Choosing the CBD Concentration

Different CBD products will come with different concentrations, indicating how much CBD is in every standard dose. 

We recommend using a 125 mg CBD product for cats under 20 pounds. If you’re in the 20- to 60-pound range, you’ll want to look for a 250 mg CBD product. Unless you’re working with wild cats, your cat probably doesn’t weigh more than 60 pounds, although there are 500 and 1000 mg CBD products available for pets!

CBD Oil for Cats with Anxiety

Choosing the Dosage

There’s no known toxicity level when it comes to CBD for cats but you still don’t want to overdo it. We recommend starting with half doses for the first few days so you can monitor your cat’s reaction. When they seem adjusted, you can go up to the full dose!

We suggest starting with a low dosage, which is about 0.05 mg per pound. In other words, if you have a 10-pound cat, you would give them 0.5 mg per dose, which is about five drops. Do this in the morning and at night.

Eventually, you may work up to a high dosage, or .25 mg per pound. For a 10-pound cat, this is 2.5 mg per dosage or 25 drops. Once again, administer these drops once in the morning and once at night.

To find the dosage that is best catered to your cat, use our dosage calculator!

Finding the Right Brand

So you’re in the market for CBD for cats but you’re not sure where to turn. Look no further!

Mile High Pawducts are all third-party tested and made from 100% organic ingredients. We believe that everything your pets consume should be held to the same standard as the products humans consume! To learn more about what we have to offer, contact us today.

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