Independent 3rd Party Lab Testing
Safety and transparency is our top priority at Mile High Pawducts. From soil to oil, our Full Spectrum CBD products are as safe as they are pure.

Two Phase Testing
Each Batch of CBD That We Process Can Be Traced Back to Specific 3rd Party Test Results
In order to be 100% certain of the safety and purity, our products are tested right after extraction and then again as a finished good. Each of our Full Spectrum CBD products carry a unique batch number that can be referenced to the 3rd party test results listed below. We have nothing to hide. Your pet’s safety is our top priority and we want you to feel comfortable.
What do we test for?
Microbial Pathogens
Pathogenic bacteria can pose serious health risks to animals, especially to those whose immune systems are comprimised.
Potency testing measures the medicinal strength or efficacy of cannabinoids in the oil that we process. To confirm a product will caused a desired effect, the potency needs to be understood.
Terpenoids (also called terpenes) are the essential oils that exist in all plants, trees and flowers, including the cannabis plant. These oils give cannabis its odor, color and flavor. Over 200 terpenoids occur in different strains of the cannabis plant and each unique terpene offers its own set of therapeutic and medicinal benefits.
Chemical pesticides, even in trace amounts, can be dangerous for animal consumption. We test for the presence of 66 pesticides in every batch of CBD that we process.
Residual Solvents
Chemical solvents like butane, isopropyl alcohol, propane and ethanol can be harmful to animals if consumed, so it is important to test for the presence of these chemicals.
A mycotoxin is a secondary metabolite produced by micro-fungi. These toxic chemicals are capable of spreading disease and death to animals and humans.
Heavy Metals
By nature, cannabis and hemp plants will accumulate metals and other elements from the soil. Heavy metals can also be introduced during the manufacturing process. The four heavy metals we test for include; cadmium, arsenic, lead and mercury.
Current Certificates of Analysis (COAs)
Do you have questions about our testing?