5 ways to administer CBD to your pet
In order for your pet to receive maximum benefit from our CBD oil, it is best to administer the dosage orally (along their gum line) so that it can be absorbed by the mucous membranes and go straight into the bloodstream.
We understand that all pets are different and with some, administering a dose orally just isn’t going to happen. Not to worry! Below are a few proven ideas and techniques that have been used to successfully and safely administer our CBD oil.

#1 - Squirt the oil directly under your pet's tongue or along their gum line
This particular method is the most popular and widely accepted way to ensure that the CBD is effectively entered into the bloodstream. Please do not place the dropper in your pets mouth! Many cats and dogs need to be eased into this process because most have never been exposed to anything like this before. Sitting down on the floor, talking to your pet and making sure they’re comfortable during this process will typically ease any tension or apprehension they may have.
#2 - Place Drops Directly on Your Hand and Allow Your pet to Lick the Oil Off
This is a great way to introduce CBD oil to those pets that have higher than normal anxiety. Opening up your palms, speaking to your pet and showing them that everything is going to be alright is a great way to introduce CBD into their life. Many pets once they are comfortable with the oil will allow you to squirt it under their tongue afterwords.

#3 - Place the Desired Dosage Into Their Food Bowl (Without Food) and see if They'll lick it out
In certain cases, adding the oil to an empty food bowl as opposed to your hands may be a less messy and more productive way of introducing CBD oil. This option allows your cat or dog to take their time. In several instances, adding anything to your pets food bowl will immediately trigger ‘food time’ mode.
#4 - If the Empty Food Bowl Doesn't do the Trick - try Adding a Small Amount of Tuna Juice or Fish oil for Flavor
There are very few cats and dogs out there that will pass up on an opportunity to chow down on fresh tuna juice or fish oil. If all other attempts have been unsuccessful, mixing in their desired dosage with a teaspoon of tuna juice or fish oil is sure to do the trick! You can simple mix the two together and add the mixture to their empty food bowl.

#5 - If all Else Fails, Apply your Pet's CBD Dosage to one of Their Favorite Treats
While the first four methods of administering CBD oil to cats or dogs should work for most pets, there may be pets who take preference towards a favorite treat of theirs – there is nothing wrong with that! If this is the best option for your pet, simply keep in mind that the dosage may need to be increased by a small amount. The digestive track for our pets isn’t very long at all. In fact, the American Animal Hospital says it is quite normal for pets to defecate with a short period of time after eating a meal. For this very reason, their tummies don’t have time to waste with regards to digesting their treat and gaining full benefit from CBD oil. It is recommended to slightly increase the desired dosage amount if you are adding the CBD oil to treats or their food.