CBD Oil and Medication Interactions: Keeping Your Pals Safe

You would do anything to ensure that your pet was happy and healthy. And a major part of caring for your pet is to manage any medications they may be taking.

Much like humans, pets can be required to take medications for pain, anxiety, inflammation, frequent seizures, and other ailments. Only recently have pet owners also started to use CBD as a natural treatment for pets.

Before you give CBD oil or another CBD product to your pet, read below for information on potential medication interactions.

What Is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is made from the hemp plant. It can be extracted from the plant using a few different methods but ultimately the result is the same.

This liquid form is then sold as an oil or combined with other ingredients to create tinctures, gummies, or other products. CBD oil for pets is basically the same as CBD oil for humans except that the concentration tends to be lower due to their relative weight and body size.

CBD is legal to purchase and to use. It can be purchased in stores or online. While some CBD products may contain a small amount of THC and other cannabinoids, other products are advertised as pure CBD.

CBD Oil For Your Pet

Generally speaking, CBD oil is a safe and effective remedy for pets that are experiencing pain, inflammation, gastrointestinal (GI) issues, or anxiety. CBD for pets is sold online in convenient forms such as oil drops or chewable treats.

The appropriate dosage of CBD for your pet will depend on their size. If you are wondering how much CBD oil you should give your pet, check out this dosage calculator for a better idea. 

There are a few ways to administer CBD to your pet including drops under the tongue or adding drops to their favorite treats. Some companies sell pure CBD oil to be given directly to your pet and other companies have created treats that already have a dosage of CBD inside them.

There are also flavored CBD products using animal-safe ingredients. The flavors may make the CBD products more appealing to your pet. You should avoid giving your pet CBD products that are intended for humans because the concentration may be too high or there could be other ingredients that are unhealthy for your pet.

If you have specific questions about the use of CBD for your pet you can ask a veterinarian, however not all of them are comfortable with discussing this relatively new form of treatment.

How Does CBD For Pets Work?

CBD oil for pets works a lot like it does for humans. CBD works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system which is present in both humans and other mammals. This system is responsible for regulating certain body functions like the immune system, sleep, and memory.

By binding to specific receptors, the CBD has the ability to regulate function resulting in a therapeutic effect for your pet.

When purchasing CBD you will likely want to find a full spectrum CBD. Full spectrum means that along with CBD there are other cannabinoid compounds present which can enhance the overall effectiveness of the CBD. 

The “entourage effect” describes the benefits of using an unaltered form of CBD over the processed version. The presence of other cannabinoids, even in small amounts, can increase the benefits of the products.

Although CBD is derived from the hemp plant, it usually contains very minor amounts (less than 0.3%) of THC which is the compound responsible for psychoactive effects. So you should not worry about your pet “getting high” from using CBD.

CBD And Medication Interactions

If your pet is taking other medications, you need to know how those will be affected if you add CBD to their regimen.

Here’s what you need to know.

Any medication taken by your pet is metabolized (broken down) by their system. This happens mainly in the stomach, but the liver also plays an important role. The liver has enzymes that help substances like CBD or other medications break down.

However, certain substances actually slow the process being completed by those important enzymes which is when a drug interaction may take place. If their body is metabolizing one substance slowly it may interact with the other medication.

CBD may also interact with medications and make them work less effectively. Similarly, other medications may reduce the effectiveness of the CBD. For example, if your pet is taking another drug for inflammation or anxiety, those medications can interact with CBD because they rely on the same enzymes to break down.

If you want to be cautious, you can give your pet CBD 2-3 hours before or after their other medications. You can also start with a low dose of CBD to see how your pet reacts before giving them a larger dose.

Is CBD Oil For Pets Safe?

So after all of that information, you may still be wondering whether CBD oil is safe for your pet. 

First, not all drug interactions are dangerous for your pet. There are some medications that can be taken along with CBD with no negative side effects. You can ask your veterinarian about specific drug interactions if you have concerns.

As with humans, research on CBD for pets is still happening. So far it seems that CBD has very few, if any, side effects for humans or pets.

Give CBD A Chance

If your pet is suffering from pain, inflammation, or seizures, CBD may be the right choice for you. 

To avoid medication interactions, you can give you pet CBD a few hours before or after other medications. Always talk to the vet before giving your pet any kind of medication or substance.

Always use the appropriate dose of CBD and put CBD products in a place that your pet cannot access it.

If you want to learn more about CBD for pets or have any questions, contact us!

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