Can CBD Help Soothe Aggressive Animals?

While dogs are lovingly and commonly referred to as, ‘man’s best friend,’ the truth remains: they are animals with the potential to become aggressive. 

An aggressive dog an even a cat can be a terrifying sight, leaving the owner or other people paralyzed in fear. If aggression is ignored there could be serious consequences. 

Do you have an aggressive pet? What does aggression look like in dogs and cats and how does CBD work in animal aggression? Continue reading to learn the answers to these questions and more. 

Signs of An Aggressive Animal

When petting or playing with a pet, they’re usually well-tempered. They’re receptive, calm, playful, “smiling”, and generally friendly. 

However, on some occasions, dogs display a less-tasteful and quite a fearful temperament. These behaviors can be exhibited to humans, dogs, or other animals depending on what’s upsetting your pet. 

Here are some signs of what happens when an animal becomes aggressive:

  • Showing teeth or snarling, or hissing
  • Making deep, guttural barking or growling sounds
  • Hair raising on its back, or raised tail in cats
  • Biting or snipping, which may or may not cause injury
  • Lunging at the person or animal
  • Stillness or intense focus
  • Attempting to ‘move’ a person with their nose, similar to a human shove, or shoving with claws
  • Swatting with paws

All of these signs may or may not happen one at a time, but typically appear simultaneously. 

Why Animals Become Aggressive

If your pet is normally well mannered, and then all of the sudden has a burst of aggression, does this mean that there is something wrong with your pet? Why do animals become aggressive?

There are several reasons why your pet might show signs of aggression. 


When animals are afraid, they don’t want to sit down and talk about their feelings. Feeling afraid is the number one reason animals display aggression. Fear is gripping for a pet, and it will descend into protective mode through aggressive behavior. 

Fear is cultivated from many different sources like abuse, neglect, or traumatic experiences. 


Anxiety is another reason why animals spiral into aggression. Anxiety can stem from many different factors such as loud noises, crowds, newcomers, and more. 


While we go out of our way to comfort our pets when they’re sick, some just won’t have it. Sickness creates confusion, and in turn, some animals will lash out. It’s also possible that some illnesses will make your pet aggressive, so if your pet starts suddenly exhibiting aggressive behavior randomly, contact your vet. 


Anger and frustration make animals aggressive. This is most noticeable in pets that are fenced or chained the majority of their life. 

They cannot, on their own, escape and become frustrated and start to show aggression because of it. They might also start to be aggressive when they cannot get what they want. 


Some pets love and protect their territory and when it’s invaded by another animal, aggression could arise. Despite what we may like to think about our pets, they don’t like to share and are naturally dominant creatures. When this is threatened, animals might show aggression.


Yes, there is such a thing as a leash-aggressive dog! Dogs that do not succumb to leash are known as leash-aggressive. This mostly happens when they see other dogs when they are attached to a leash. 

Most rescue animals in particular may show aggression because their histories with people or other animals are largely mysterious. 

Can CBD Affect Aggressive Animals?

So, is there any hope for aggressive animals? Yes! CBD may be a source that could help calm aggression in your pet. 

Most of the issues that cause aggression in pets come from fear and anxiety and cause them to overreact. Because CBD is a calming agent and has been shown to help manage anxiety in humans, CBD can do the same for animals?

How is this possible? Both animals and humans have an endocannabinoid system or ECS which works to balance the body with feelings like pain and mood using cannabinoids. Since CBD is a cannabinoid, the ECS recognizes it and uses it within the body to bring calm and relaxation. 

Full-Spectrum CBD

If you’re eager to try CBD for your dog, there are a few things you need to consider first.

While there are plenty of CBD types on the market, one of the best types is full-spectrum CBD. 

Full-spectrum CBD means that all the elements of the plant – cannabinoids, terpenes, and so forth – are present. They produce what’s commonly called an ‘entourage effect’ which means that they work in sync with each other. Full-spectrum is one of the best-working CBD types for this reason. 

It should be noted, however, that another cannabinoid called THC is also present in full-spectrum CBD. THC is the cannabinoid responsible for that ‘high’ feeling. But to be sold on the market, full-spectrum CBD should not contain more than 0.3% THC, which is not enough to cause any psychoactive effects. 

When it comes to dosing out CBD to your dog, it’s very important to start with the smallest dose and move forward from there. Also, identify your goals for your dog first. What are behaviors are bothersome, and which would you like to see instead? 

Generally speaking, larger pets require larger doses and smaller pets require smaller doses. Once you start seeing the results you want, stick with that dose until something changes. 

CBD For Aggressive Pets

When your pet becomes aggressive, you can know that CBD is in your corner to calm and soothe your pet. 

Are you looking for the best CBD for your pet? Our third-party tested, high-quality, full-spectrum CBD is just what you’re looking for! Check out our CBD selection today. 

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