A Definitive Guide to CBD Dosage for Dogs
If you’re looking to improve the wellbeing of your dog, you should consider CBD Oil as a great option. While this may not have been the first thing on your mind, there is increased research to show the increased adoption of CBD products on animals.
There is also increasing research that shows the medical benefits of CBD. CBD products are a great option for the wellbeing of your dog and for treating ailments.
If you’re considering giving CBD products to your dog, you want to know about the CBD dosage for dogs.
CBD Dosage for Dogs: What You Need to Know
We first and foremost suggest that you always consult your vet on whether CBD products are appropriate for your dog.
Mention to them that you have researched CBD products and are curious if it can help with your dog’s overall wellbeing or with treating ailments.
If your vet gives you the “green light,” then here is what you should know about CBD dosage:
1. The Dosage Rules
So how do you decide what constitutes a full dose?
At present, there is no standard set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). You’ll hear many different opinions on what a suitable dose is – which will likely leave you confused!
We have created a dosage formula that has been approved by vets:
You should always start with a low dose – even if you are treating your dog with a serious ailment such as anxiety, mild seizures, or arthritis. A low dose consists of 0.05 milligrams per pound of body weight. This should be administered twice per day.
If you find a low dose is not working for your dog or your dog has an extreme case of an ailment, then you can upgrade to a medium dose. This is 0.125 milligrams per pound of body weight. This should also be administered twice per day.
Finally, if a medium dose is not taking effect, then you can upgrade to a higher dose. This is 0.25 milligrams per pound of body weight. Again, this is administered twice per day.
You can also use our dosage calculator to figure out how much to give your dog.

2. When to Administer the Dose
Deciding when to administer the dose depends on what you are using the CBD Oil for.
For instance, if your intention is to improve your dog’s overall health then you can administer it in the morning after your dog has been well-rested. If you know that your dog can react to external factors such as a change in weather, you should administer the dose prior to the change.
So if you live in a warm climate and your dog cannot acclimate to a cold night, make sure to administer the CBD prior to the night. If the dose is to treat a serious ailment, it is ideal to administer it in the morning and the evening.
After you have administered the dose, be patient. It can take up to half an hour for the effects to take place.
If after half an hour you do not notice a difference, you may wish to increase the dose.
3. Benefits of CBD
While there is increased adoption of CBD to animals, it is important that you know the benefits of CBD. This will help you decide how to use CBD for your dog.
CBD has been found for treating different types of pain. These include arthritis, intestinal inflammation, asthma, nerve-related pain, and neuropathy pain among other ailments.
CBD is also known to treat anxiety and depression. If you ever notice that your dog is more “jumpy” than normal they may be experiencing anxiety. And if your dog is not showing affection or not responding to your affection, it may be depressed.
CBD has also been shown to help with reducing the risk of seizures and cancer. If these are a worry for your dog, then you may want to strongly consider CBD in addition to other treatments.
4. Is It for Dogs?
One concern that many people have with cannabis products is their safety. As cannabis products are portrayed as being for recreational drug use, there is still much skepticism to their medical benefits.
Our CBD products are made to be safe for pets. Our products contain less than 0.3% of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is what causes the altered state of mind when consumed – known as the euphoria or “the high.”
And yes, your dog can also get high if they consume a high level of THC. As a result, you want as little THC as possible and want the product to focus on CBD.
As of now, there is no strong evidence of any serious side effects of CBD on animals.
5. Refining The Dosage
Finally, for serious ailments such as anxiety, seizures, or arthritis, you want to determine the dosage beforehand. Your vet will be able to determine the severity of the ailment to help you decide the dose.
If your dog has anxiety, you should keep the range of dosage between 0.25 milligrams per pound to 0.5 milligrams per pound. If you know a triggering event may occur at a particular time (such as a thunderstorm), try to give the dog the dose at least 30 minutes prior.
For arthritis, you will likely need to give stronger doses. The more severe arthritis and the heavier your dog, you will want to err on the side of 0.5 milligrams per pound.
For seizures, you also want to understand the severity and the type of seizures they experience. If it is very severe, you are going to probably give a stronger dose.

Give Your Dog the Best
Now that you know the right CBD dosage for dogs and why you should consider CBD products, you are ready to give your dog the best treatment available!
Check out our catalog to find the best CBD products for your dog.