Here's How CBD Can Help Aggressive Pets

Experiencing aggression from your furry friends is heartbreaking. It’s especially difficult if you don’t understand where it’s coming from. If you don’t know how to deal with aggressive pets, you run the risk of becoming injured by them or having to give them up. 

However, if your four-legged friends are showing signs of aggression, know that there’s a reason behind it. You should also know that there’s plenty you can do to help them. One of those things is giving them CBD for their aggression

To learn more about how pet-safe CBD products can help your aggressive pets, keep reading.

What Causes Aggression in Cats and Dogs?

Biting, hissing, scratching, growling, and barking are all signs of aggression. Whether they’re directed at humans or other animals, these behaviors pose a safety risk. Luckily, animal behavior, especially when it comes to Spot and Mr. Mittens, isn’t all that hard to figure out.

There are a several factors that can cause your furry friends to display these signs of aggression, including:

  • Anxiety
  • Fearfulness
  • Socialization issues
  • Poor breeding
  • Territorialness
  • Male rivalry (especially over a female)
  • Maternal instincts
  • Underlying medical issues including pain

For dogs, the culprit is usually a lack of exercise, mental stimulation, and improper nutrition. Additionally, a dog with a history of abuse and abandonment will likely have anxiety issues. Cats are a bit more complex, and it doesn’t help that they’ve earned the reputation as the more sinister species. 

Aggressive behavior in cats usually stems from a few things, both small and large. Those things would include fear, over stimulation, pain, improper socialization, their “social status,” and of course, being territorial. There are also instances of redirected aggression. For example, if your indoor cat sees another cat out the window and can’t get to it, it may turn its rage onto you.

Watching old re-runs of Ceasar Milan’s The Dog Whisperer can help give you some insight. However, after a while, you’ll notice that there’s a pattern of lazy dog owners as the culprit to each dogs’ behavioral issues. (News flash—your dog needs attention!) All jokes aside, if you begin noticing signs of aggression from your pets, the first thing you want to do is take them to the veterinarian. 

In addition to your vet’s advice, you may want to try supplementing your pet’s diet with a pet-safe CBD product.

How Does CBD Help Aggressive Pets?

CBD (cannabidiol) is one of over a hundred chemical compounds found within the hemp variety of cannabis. It’s a non-psychoactive phytocannabinoid that hosts a whole lot of therapeutic and pharmacokinetic properties. Because of its natural medicinal properties, it’s taking the health and wellness market over by storm.

So, how can it help your aggressive furbabies?

Well, it all starts with the Endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is responsible for regulating all the body’s systems, maintaining proper balance by producing its own endocannabinoids. Both humans and animals have one, and we’re all susceptible to having our balance thrown out of whack. An imbalance is usually caused by a lack of nutrition and over stimulation.

Studies show that CBD can activate the ECS. It binds with the cells’ receptors, boosting neurotransmitter activity. One of those neurotransmitters it affects is serotonin, which is known for its mood-boosting and calming effects.

CBD is also well known for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Recent studies show how CBD can provide relief in animals experiencing chronic pain, seizures, cancer, and other ailments.  

What that means is that CBD can potentially help treat the underlying symptoms causing your dog or cat’s aggressive behavior. Of course, it’s not a cure for poor socialization, improper diet, or a lack of attention and exercise. But, it can provide some much-needed relief, especially if your pet is riddled with anxiety or is in pain.  

How and When to Give Your Pets CBD

If you’re thinking about trying out some CBD products for your scared pup or kitty, you’ll need to know how to administer it to them. First thing’s first—you want to give them the right dosage. Currently, there aren’t any CBD dosage standards for pets just yet. Truth be told, there really aren’t any for humans either.

This shouldn’t worry you, though. As we’ve mentioned, CBD doesn’t come with any harsh side effects. There may be somewhat of an adjustment period, during which your pet may experience some drowsiness, diarrhea, nausea, or a change in appetite or mood. However, these effects are very rare.

The administration process is fairly simple, especially since there are all kinds of CBD products ranging from oils to yummy treats. Once you’ve figured out the proper CBD dosage, you can decide how and when to give it to them. If you’re going with CBD oil, here are a few ways you can give it to them:

  • Orally—along the gum line is best for maximum absorption. This typically works better with dogs
  • Mixed in with food
  • Mixed in with their favorite treat
  • Use CBD pet treats
  • Put it directly in their empty feeding dish
  • Mix with oil from tuna or salmon (for cats)
  • Put directly on top of their paw (for cats) 

When you give your pet their dose of CBD is up to you. It’s recommended that you start with a small dosage, twice per day, and monitor their behavior to see how they react. Ideally, you’ll want to give them their CBD as needed, but morning, noon, and night should do the trick in the beginning. 

Always wait for one to two weeks before adjusting their dosage and frequency.

Give Your Pet the Gift of Wellness

CBD isn’t just for aggressive pets. You can add it to their diet as an all-over wellness supplement.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that CBD is not a “cure” for any medical conditions or behavioral issues. If your pet is displaying aggressive behavior towards you, other people, or other animals, it’s crucial that you get to the root of the issue. 

For more CBD-related questions in regards to your furry family members, you can reach out to us at any time. 

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