Can Dogs Get High From Consuming a Lot of CBD Oil?
By 2017, 1 in 7 people said they use cannabis regularly. By 2020, the number has only risen as it becomes more mainstream.
And as cannabis use has become more mainstream, and people have begun to see benefits of it in their everyday lives, they’ve begun to give it to their dogs and cats as well.
Cannabis is associated with marijuana, and marijuana is almost always associated with getting “high.” So, if you’re new to CBD oil, you may wonder, can dogs get high?
In this blog post, we’ll answer that very question for you to help put your mind at ease when using our products.
Cannabis vs Marijuana vs Hemp
When searching for the perfect CBD oil for your best friend, you’ve likely heard all of these terms. You may be wondering which is appropriate for your dog, and how any of them are different from one another.
Cannabis itself is an umbrella term for a type of plants: Cannabis sativa and Cannabis indica. There is a third plant within this genus, known as cannabis ruderalis, which is irrelevant to most CBD (which stands for cannabidiol) oil.
Marijuana is the common name for cannabis Sativa, whereas hemp is the common name for cannabis indica.
The two plants look virtually identical, but marijuana contains more THC and very little CBD. CBD oil is found within the plant stems itself, and can be made with or without THC, depending on the maker’s preference and state laws.
Most CBD oil for animals, however, is made with far less than .3% THC; but we’ll get to THC in a minute.
In short, cannabis is the term that covers both marijuana and hemp. CBD oil can be made from both plants, but only marijuana contains high amounts of THC.
Okay, So What Is THC?
We’ve just spent some time putting the cannabis plants into categories, and what is most important is whether they contain THC or not. But what is this THC and why is it important to the question the article poses?
As we learned previously, CBD oil made from hemp contains little THC; under .3%.
But, CBD oil that is made from marijuana does contain quite a bit of THC. THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol and is the chemical compound that makes someone feel “high” when they use marijuana.
Most CBD oil is made from hemp, and therefore it has few psychoactive effects within it. However, if you use CBD from marijuana, it can give you, or your pet, that feeling of being “high.”
Just like when your vet gives your dog painkillers, and they look a little bit drowsy or out of it, your dog can “get high” with CBD oil that contains high THC.
But, the majority of CBD oil, including ours, that is made for dogs contains less than .3% THC and is made from hemp. This is because in some states, it is illegal to have products with more .3% THC. However, this is referred to as “full spectrum” and can be beneficial to your dog.
Can Dogs Get High with Mile High Pawducts?
No. Mile High Pawducts’ CBD oil range contains less than .3% THC and is made from hemp. As such, your dog gets all of the benefits of CBD oil without making them feel as though they’re “out of it” or high. So, no matter how much your best friend consumes, they won’t get high from our CBD oil. However, because there is a little bit of THC, they will get the full spectrum benefit, as a little bit of THC can enhance the medicinal properties.
As we stated above, some humans prefer to use CBD oil with THC in it, or to consume marijuana with THC in it in other ways. This is a personal preference, as they may find it helps with pain, anxiety, and other ailments.
How Can CBD Oil Benefit My Dog?
CBD oil can benefit your dog in a wide range of ways. It makes a great alternative to medication prescribed by your vet. Veterinary medication is human medication that has a reduced dosage. You know that these medications can make you feel all types of ways, and they can have that effect on your dog as well.
As such, CBD oil is an all-natural way to ensure that your dog has relief from pain, anxiety, and a variety of other issues without all of the nasty things that come with pharmaceuticals.
Although CBD oil has not been 100% proven to cure ailments in humans or dogs (apart from using it to control a specific type of epilepsy in humans), many owners find their dogs respond well to it.
It is often used for dogs who are older and have developed arthritis, or for dogs who suffer from anxiety. Many dogs hate when their owner leaves the house or may suffer from anxiety related to previous experiences. CBD oil can help quiet their mind and make them feel more relaxed.
However, owners have all seen improvements in their canines who have digestion issues, skin and allergy issues, mobility issues, depression, and more.
At Mile High Pawducts, we have a handy online guide to help you figure out the appropriate dosage for your favorite furry friend. The great thing about CBD oil is that you cannot give your dog too much–it is impossible to overdose on it. So even if you “mess up” administering, your dog will still be just fine.
Full Spectrum CBD Oil May Help Your Fur Babies Live a Better Life
So, can dogs get high? The answer is yes, they can, but only if a high dose THC is given to them intentionally. We operate only within the apex of an ethical framework and are here to give your dog only the very best full spectrum CBD.
Click here for our range of products. We’re here to help your dog live his or her best life.