8 Surprising Benefits of CBD Oil for Old Age in Dogs

Did you know your dog is considered a senior at seven years old? That’s not very old — especially if you think your best buddy will be around forever.

If your dog is at that age or is nearing their golden years, you need to start putting their health first. But what can help old age in dogs?

The easiest thing you can do is start giving your pooch CBD daily. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid in the cannabis plant. Don’t worry, your pup won’t experience the psychoactive effects. CBD is non-psychoactive and offers a myriad of health benefits.

Keep your pup young with CBD! Here are 10 amazing CBD benefits for senior dogs.

1. Relieves Joint Pain

Aches and pains are a normal part of life. Unfortunately, your dog could also be suffering from aching bones and joints. 

Why can CBD combat joint pain? CBD has both pain relief and anti-inflammatory benefits.

The European Journal of Pain shows that CBD lowers joint-related pain and inflammation. While this study only used topical CBD and not a tincture, the results are still promising.

2. Improves Brain Health

Like your grandma and grandpa, your senior dog is at risk of impaired memory and mental function. There are many ways to prevent cognitive loss and CBD is a safe and effective method.

What’s the proof? This study shows that CBD acts as a neuroprotective agent. Inflammation contributes to an increased risk of brain-related ailments. Since CBD is an anti-inflammatory agent, CBD can help delay the onset of memory issues.

3. Increases Appetite

One of the common old age symptoms is a lack of appetite. Loss of appetite doesn’t indicate a disease but you should at least try to get your dog to eat. To do this, you can try giving your dog CBD.

Right now, there are mixed results on CBD and appetite. It certainly doesn’t increase appetite the way psychoactive THC does. That’s why you can try giving your dog a full-spectrum CBD product.

Full-spectrum uses all cannabinoids in the hemp plant, including THC. The best full-spectrum pet products will have far less than 0.3% THC, which is below the legal line and won’t intoxicate your dog.

4. Relieves Digestive Problems

On the other hand of the spectrum, your dog’s decrease in appetite may stem from a digestive problem. While you should always take your dog to the vet and receive a diagnosis, you can also try giving your dog CBD.

CBD can relieve the pain and inflammation that comes with tummy aches. In addition, CBD can relieve nausea.

A report in 2012 found phytocannabinoids activate the 5-HT (1A) serotonin receptors, which could possibly link CBD to its anti-nausea effects.

Keep in mind, nausea could also be a side effect. That’s because your dog’s body may want to cough up unnecessary amounts of CBD. Always give your dog the proper dosage.

5. Reduces Anxiety

Dogs suffer from both behavioral and situational anxiety. This may get worse as they age.

CBD can treat different types of anxiety with no side effects. It’s unclear how CBD treats anxiety; a common theory is how CBD indirectly affects our endocannabinoid system.

All living beings, meaning you and your pup, have an endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system controls many functions such as mood, appetite, immune response, memory, and even communication between cells.

Since the ECS controls mood, CBD can balance our emotions and calm us down. Feel free to give your dog CBD when you leave, before they sleep, or for any other reason.

6. Improves Skin Conditions

Skin issues and allergies are common in certain dog breeds. Unfortunately, dogs like to scratch and bite these skin issues. Doing so will only make their skin issues worse, making the golden years more uncomfortable for your pup.

If you can’t find a solution, try CBD.

As stated previously, CBD has anti-inflammatory effects. CBD can reduce inflammation associated with atopic dermatitis and other conditions. Since CBD won’t affect healthy skin cells, your dog won’t experience too many side effects.

Applying a CBD ointment directly to the skin is recommended. However, dogs have fur and the ointment might accumulate in their fur. You can still give your dogs an oral tincture and experience the same results.

7. Helps Mobility Issues

As your dog grows older, they will struggle to move around, go on walks, play, and more. Mobility issues are common in old age, but you can take measures to prevent them from interfering with your dog’s life.

While CBD can’t fully cure mobility issues, this source states the cannabinoid can reduce muscle pain and even muscle spasms. This makes playing and going out on walks less painful for your pup.

8. Improves Vision Issues

Vision issues are common in some dog breeds, especially aging dogs.

There are many simple ways to protect your dog’s visions. While the evidence is mixed about CBD and vision, we do know that CBD is a powerful antioxidant and can possibly protect your dog’s eyes.

It’s still important to talk to your vet before using CBD as a remedy for eye and vision issues.

CBD and Old Age in Dogs: Find the Highest Quality Pet CBD Products

Old age in dogs is one of the downsides to owning a pup. While CBD isn’t a cure for many ailments, CBD is safe and can help make your aging dog’s life easier. But you’ll want to only give them the best CBD products made specifically for pets.

Shop our products today. We offer CBD tinctures for dogs of all sizes and even cats.

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