What is THC? The Basics, Legality & More

As medical cannabis and its offshoots like CBD grow more popular, it can be difficult to know exactly what terminology means what. New companies are everywhere, claiming different benefits for different things and using terminology in different ways. 

It can be confusing. We’re going to talk about THC today, debunking some of the myths about it and what it can do. Further, we’re going to explore where it comes from and the role that it plays in the cannabis plant. 

So, what is THC?

What is THC: A Beginner's Guide

There’s growing awareness around cannabis, and new research is allowing people to really investigate cannabis can do and how it can improve a person’s health. Additionally, we’re learning a lot about the different components of cannabis and how to use them effectively. 

When trying to understand the plant, the first thing you need to do is break down the two primary cannabinoids that make it so beneficial to people: THC and CBD.


Marijuana is comprised of a number of chemicals called cannabinoids. These components bind effectively to cannabinoid receptors in our brains and produce different effects depending on the particular kind of cannabis product you’re using. 

As far as we know, there are over 100 cannabinoids that can be extracted from cannabis. That said, there are two that work the hardest to provide health benefits for users. 

Those are CBD and THC. CBD is the active ingredient that produces the majority of health benefits that people use cannabis to gain. It’s also legal on a federal level which has allowed a great number of small companies to sprout up and give people the opportunity to try it. 

You don’t need a prescription to purchase CBD, and it doesn’t produce the psychological effects that some people shy away from. In other words, CBD doesn’t get you high on its own. 

THC, on the other hand, does when it’s present in a high enough volume. Some CBD products contain small amounts of THC that usually aren’t high enough to produce any effects. 

The Entourage Effect

One important thing to remember when you’re exploring CBD or Cannabis options is something called “the Entourage Effect.” Many products available in stores or online are almost entirely synthesized. 

This means that the CBD has been extracted, while the remaining 99-plus cannabinoids are eliminated. It’s still unknown how these chemicals work together to provide the health benefits that cannabis offers. 

So, when you’re looking at a CBD product that has less than 3% THC, note that the combination of THC and other cannabinoids in the CBD product is important. They work together to provide the benefits that people seek out. 

THC Has a Bad Reputation

Unfortunately, THC still isn’t legal in all 50 states, and there’s a lot of backlash and argument over whether it should be. 

That crossfire can make it easy to assume that there is actually something bad about THC in general. All evidence and research points to the fact that there’s not anything unhealthy about THC, although it should be used with caution just like any other prescription or recreational drug. 

Different minds will respond to THC differently, and it’s important to proceed at your own discretion when you’re starting to use it for any reason. Additionally, some people are more sensitive to it than others.

All medical marijuana will come with a description of its THC-to-CBD ratio. Strains with a higher percentage of THC will provide a more active intellectual effect, while CBD tends to produce more relaxing effects. 

Remember that legal CBD products can have a THC content of 0.3 percent or less because any effects are indistinguishable at that point. In other words, don’t be spooked by it when you’re shopping around. 

Some Longstanding Myths about THC

From Reefer Madness all the way up to D.A.R.E programs in school, marijuana has been demonized for decades and is only now gaining wider support. 

In a lot of cases, the systematic demonization of marijuana involves the idea that you will go insane or start committing crimes when you smoke it. If you’ve ever been around a person who is a regular user of cannabis products, you know that that isn’t the case. 

Individuals who are prone to mental illness will not become more susceptible simply be using marijuana, although it might wise to avoid psychoactive substances without a medical plan to use them for intentional purposes. 

The idea of cannabis leading a person toward a life of crime is also nonsense. Cannabis isn’t physically addictive, and while regular use can lead to some dependence, it isn’t as though a person is overwhelmed with the need to steal money and acquire marijuana. 

THC is criminalized in some states, while legal in a number of others. This shows that research and understanding are exposing the fact that marijuana is a beneficial and safe substance.

The Widespread Benefits of CBD

If you’re still a little uncertain about using THC, that’s totally understandable. Products that affect your mood and thinking for a short period of time can be a little bit anxiety-inducing. 

The nice thing about CBD, though, is the fact that it actually works to ease anxiety and it doesn’t produce any psychoactive effects. It relaxes the individual in the short term and serves to fight inflammation, chronic pain, anxiety, and much more. 

If you’re curious about the various benefits of CBD and whether they could help you, it’s worth speaking to a professional about. Additionally, CBD is healthy for use on your pets when they’re experiencing pain or anxiety. 

Dogs and cats suffer from chronic pain and difficult emotions just like humans do. When you start to notice those symptoms in your pet but don’t feel comfortable with prescription medications, CBD is a safe and effective option to try first. 

Want to Learn More about CBD and THC?

So, what is THC? It turns out that it isn’t really what it’s been made out to be for the last century. It’s a safe and beneficial substance. Its counterpart, CBD, is also an extremely effective aid in treating a number of ailments.

Explore our site for more insight into what CBD products can do for your pets.

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