9 Amazing Benefits of the Entourage Effect From CBD Oil

Your medical bills are likely to double if you own a pet. Why? Your pet’s medical expenses may cost as much – if not more – than your own. 

Pets encounter the same obstacles as we do, including illness, injury, and accidents. When something happens to our pets, we’re quick to take care of them. 

They’re family, so naturally, we fight for the best medical care available. 

But, what if you could take care of your pet without an expensive trip to the vet? What if you could not only treat their symptoms but enhance their overall well-being?

Full spectrum CBD oil is the answer. 

Here is everything you need to know about the entourage effect and the health benefits your pet will receive from CBD. 

CBD Isolate vs. Full Spectrum

First, to clear up any confusion, we’ll discuss the differences between CBD Isolate and full spectrum CBD oil. 

The cannabis plant is made up of tons of compounds, or cannabinoids, including CBD. When CBD is removed from the plant, it undergoes a refinement process, isolating it from other naturally occurring properties and reducing it to its purest form.

Full spectrum CBD is unaltered and retains all of the original compounds of the plant, including CBD as well as THC, terpenes, vitamins, and protein.

Both CBD Isolate and full spectrum operate by interacting with various receptors in the brain which are part of the endocannabinoid system.

Full spectrum CBD, like its name implies, offers the full benefits of the cannabis plant and therefore carries greater healing potential than a CBD isolate.

This variance in treatment can be explained by the entourage effect.

The Entourage Effect

The Entourage Effect suggests that when you combine cannabis compounds, they work together becoming more effective than one compound alone.

If your pet is injured and you administer full spectrum, one compound might interact with a receptor that alleviates pain. A second compound will reach a receptor to relieve stress, and at the same time, amino acids will work in the body by building protein and enhancing recovery.

Whether you’re looking to improve an acute condition or searching for long-term solutions to chronic pain and aging, full spectrum CBD promotes holistic treatment.

Here’s a more in-depth look at how this oil can help your pets!

The Brain

Everything that makes your pet who they are starts and ends in the brain. It is their personality, their communication, but also the organ vital for ensuring proper functioning in the rest of the body.

Therefore, it is important to keep the brain strong and healthy. How does CBD fit in?

Just like humans, your pets can be impacted by anxiety and depression, some pets might carry genetic predispositions. Additionally, they can be triggered by big changes, such as a recent move or with separation from their owner. 

These mental health concerns can alter behavior and inhibit the interaction between pet and owner.

CBD works with receptors by lowering levels of anxiety and depression and restoring normative function.

Additionally, THC protects brain cells, which can help treat certain neurodegenerative disorders.


When thinking about the eyes, one of the biggest concerns for pets is glaucoma. Unfortunately, there is no cure, and this can eventually lead to blindness.

Glaucoma is characterized by a build-up liquid or pressure around the eye and can cause pain.

CBD reduces the pressure buildup, therefore relieving the pain. 

GI Health

As important as it is for us to eat healthily and eat a nutritious meal, so is it important for our pets. But, what do we do when our pets won’t eat? Or when they have a hard time keeping food down?

CBD has been known to suppress nausea and stimulate appetite.

Additionally, CBD strengthens gastrointestinal motility, which promotes the movement of waste through the intestines, aiding your pet’s digestion.


CBD can improve your pet’s cardiovascular health! Cats and dogs are susceptible to valvular heart disease, heartworm, and cardiomyopathy. 

Symptoms of these heart conditions include thickening of the valves, impeding blood flow, and weakening of the heart wall.

In your pet, this might appear by way of lethargy, shortness of breath, coughs, among others.

The compounds in full spectrum oil can improve blood circulation, prevent blood clotting, and regulate blood pressure. The oil treats symptoms and reduces further risk factors for heart disease.

Pain Alleviation

For almost any disease or diagnosis that a pet can be given, it is safe to assume the number 1 symptom will be pain.

Pain in pets is much harder to diagnose because they can’t communicate their discomfort. 

Research concludes CBD is effective for pain management. It is an anti-inflammatory, so it reduces swelling and relieves pain for a variety of maladies, such as arthritis and cancer. 

Additionally, if your pet suffers from seizures, full spectrum oil has shown a reduction in seizure frequency as well as severity. 

CBD Concerns

Plenty of pet owners have concerns about the use of full spectrum CBD, primarily because of the THC content. THC is well known for its psychoactive properties. Marijuana is often modified to heighten the THC concentration, close to 20%.

When ingested in large amounts, THC produces a kind of “high” or euphoria.

However, the CBD oil your animals will be ingesting will not have the same potency. There are several low-level oils available that fall under .3%, which is the federally mandated guideline. 

Helpful Tips

Secondary to the safety concerns of CBD oil are concerns about dosage and proper administration.

The good news is that there are helpful dosage calculators available that can answer all of your questions.

Once you have the dose down, the administration can be done in several ways including squirting the CBD directly into the mouth, mixing it with food, and even using it as an ingredient in homemade treats! 

Get Started Today

At the end of the day, it is our responsibility to take care of our pets.

This means we have to be careful with how we treat them. Thanks to full spectrum CBD oil and the entourage effect, you’re not only protecting your pet but ensuring the highest quality of life.

Check us out for the full spectrum products you need! 

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